

Today, 22 april, is earth day

On Valentine’s Day it’s often said that love should be celebrated all year round, not just on the 14th of February.

A similar thing could be said of Earth Day, a day created by the United Nations in 1970 to celebrate the environment and our efforts to protect the planet.

This year it falls today, the 22nd April, a month and a day after the Spring Equinox and (just like Valentine’s Day) it’s an opportunity to remind ourselves that we should take care of what we love.

At long last, the two biggest polluters of our planet, China and the US, seem keen to reach an agreement to reduce emissions and make a significant contribution, as European countries have been doing for years, resulting in a slow-down in global warming.

SAVE THE PLANET is the wrong slogan.

Why? Because our planet has been evolving and transforming for billions of years, long before humankind even existed.

But when we talk about ONE WORLD, we understand that man and nature are inextricably linked.

Everything we do to protect the environment is not just to save our planet – above all, it’s to SAVE OURSELVES.
